Thursday 14 May 2015

Exam Stress Busters!!

I cannot believe how long it has been since I have written a blog post! Between working full time and finishing my second year of uni, it has been manic.

Truth be told I probably could have written posts in between study sessions, but am I the only one who feels utterly drained after they finally hand in an assignment? All I want to do is veg out and binge watch Orange Is The New Black.

But we must endure this last few weeks of hell before the beloved summer, so I have compiled a list of study techniques to get me through it... I hope they help you too.

1. Get organised.
Make a revision timetable, get a study buddy, set reminders on your phone. Whatever your motivation is, use it and get organised. (And if you do not have the body or the moves to be a stripper use that as your inspiration, that's what I do). (No, seriously, I do).

2. Take a break.
Take a break, take a shower... nobody wants to get distracted from their studies by their own stink (it may be gross, but it has most likely happened to you. Just saying).

3.  Exercise will help clear your mind.
A healthy body is a healthy mind. Do some yoga, go for a walk or a run, or just meditate for 10 minutes. It will help I promise. And if not there is always wine, it's one of your 5 a day.

4.  Keep Smiling.
If Britney can survive 2007 then you can survive exam month. Even if you want to shave your head and marry a tramp, that's fine, go nuts! Just keep a smile on that beautiful face of yours.

5. Remember that it will end soon.
You may be disheveled and have what seems to be a permanent twitch, but your exams will be over come 4 weeks time! Count it down, set some markers... You will get through!

6. If all else fails... Run!
If you really feel like you cannot make it through then just quit. Move to Hawaii, become a surfing instructor (note: learn to surf first) make some beautiful Hawaiian babies and live out your life as a hippie... The academic world is not for all of us. 

Well that's enough procrastinating for one day, I'm off to study... Or maybe to move to Hawaii, who knows.

Peace and Love ✌️

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