Thursday 18 December 2014

Christmas countdown!! Curly bits and bobs!

A friend of mine recently cut off her lovely long locks for an equally lovely bob haircut.. She has decided since then that she is no longer happy with her choice because she can't curl her hair anymore. I understand where she is coming from, when I first had the chop I was distraught  but I learned a way of curling  my hair without making my head look like a mushroom.. So Alice, I dedicate this post to you.

Like I said when I first tried to curl my hair after cutting it, I did it all wrong. I tried to curl it the same way I would with long hair. So the barrel was too thick, the technique all wrong and my hair just looked like a portabello mushroom!

Before I begin, I would like to apologise for the quality of the pictures, I was wearing no make up and put a lot of filters on them!! I will be using a decent camera very soon so please bear with me! 

So first thing is you need nice thin tongs, a wand would work as well but they are often tapered so you need to use the thinner end. I use these, they're boots own.

So I usually split my hair half up half down, and start with the bottom layer, curling away from my face. 

The trick to getting a decent looking curl on a bob is to leave around a centimetre at the bottom of your hair out of the tongs so it stays straight. This stops the hair curling under and gives a nice choppy look.

When you release after around 20 seconds it will leave a stiff ringlet

Once the whole bottom layer is done, run your fingers through it to loosen the curls

Remember you are curling away from your face! So once you have curled one half you need to change the direction or your curl! 

Then let the top half of your hair down and repeat the process... Run your fingers through your hair, and hairspray the curls from below (don't spray your roots- I find it makes the hair too heavy).

If you want a bit more volume you can always backcomb your roots slightly, it's a good look for a night out.

And you're done!

Again I apologise for the poor quality of the pics, I will very soon have a lovely decent camera to use!!

Let me know how the curls go!

Peace and love✌️ xx

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